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Old 11-14-2007, 04:06 PM
mistere45 mistere45 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 60
Default Re: I Worry About Some Of You

Cheating in online poker can be mostly prevented or detected when there is a willingness to do so. Sklansky seems to focus on this "anti-colluding" software. Is there a specific software that he is referring to, or is he just applying a general concept to focus on. IMO, it is rather obvious that anti-colluding software is not significantly relevant to this situation. I think the much more important issue here is the willingness to prevent cheating part. Collusion between players is not what occured here. Owners/former owners/consultants took advantage of a system they created. And an obvious cover-up is STILL going on. So telling the foxes you need them to install anti-colluding software before you will trust your hen to them is pretty silly.

And you said something that rang rather true to me in one of your many threads. People will do whats in their own best interest given the opportunity. The reprecussions of this scandal will deteremine the future opportunities for those with the means to cheat us. The line that, "There is nothing that we can really do to hold AP accountable, so I say, if you are making money, continue to do so" does not deter this type of thing from happening again. It actually promotes it to happen again. SO i think the posters upset with your much anticipated response to this scandal aren't mentally disabled, but angered that your words do more to promote this kind of cheating again then to deter it. It almost sounds like to me that your tone here is, if you are a profitable online player, you must simply learn to accept the probabilty of cheating as another rake. I think we can do better than that, can't we? But I am only 33, so maybe I am WAY too optimistic!!
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