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Old 11-14-2007, 03:11 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Female Singer/Songwriter Thread

Tegan and Sara

Twin sisters born in Calgary, Canada. They started at a young age, performing in Garage Warz, a battle of the bands show. Both lesbian, their songs are playful, talking about the quirks of love and relationships, thus little of their audience is male.

From what I have heard of their older albums, they sound like they were produced in thier bed-room. Not quite true, as they produced their own records at school. Their current album is called "The Con," produced by Cris Walla (Death Cab for Cutie).

"The Con" sounds slick, well produced, with a punky edge. "The Con" is best listened to on endless repeat. Every song on this album is solid.

Tegan and Sara's songs defy conventional category. Some songs are sung solo, and other are sung duet style. Tegan delivers her lyrics in a militaristic banter, while Sara coos in the background. Their general agreement is that who ever writes the song gets to be the primary singer.

They are gaining noteriety and attention. Big magazines, from Spin to Rolling Stone, are writing a stream of shining articles on this duo, and their albums constantly end up at the top of the "best of the year" lists. For me, "The Con" is the best album of 2007.


They have some stuff on youtube, but I don't think any of it is good.

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