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Old 11-14-2007, 01:35 PM
UMTerp UMTerp is offline
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Default Re: digital sound projectors

This is probably way general for this thread, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff. I need a sound system type thing (I guess surround sound?) for my TV room. I want to spend ~$1K. A bit more isn't the end of the world. Can I get something decent for that price?

The previous owners of my townhouse had this room wired for surround sound, and left the wires for us, so I assume they'll suffice? What type of system do I need? I assume I'll want the four speakers for the walls, a receiver (I don't even know what a receiver does), and a subwoofer? Do these all come in some sort of package anywhere? Should I buy them individually? Will these speakers be able to be used for music as well, or just the TV? (Will I be able to hook up my iPod for parties/poker night?)

The room is about 15' from front to back if that matters for anything. Here's a picture. Will I need to do any other wiring other than what's already there?

Second question, has either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD emerged as superior? I'd like one or the other, and I don't want to buy something and have it be obsolete in two years.

Thanks for any help.
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