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Old 11-14-2007, 12:20 PM
ZenMusician ZenMusician is offline
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Default Re: Little Help Please

PF looks like "hey I'll raise and steal the blinds!"

That's fine, but as other's have said STACK SIZES!

Read Bond's post about stack sizes. Also, get in the
habit of multi-street thinking. The flop raise (and the
amount) affects the rest of the betting streets, which
frankly doesn't sound like you had a plan for.

Before you act, check the stack sizes behind you and
consider how you will respond to a RR, etc. When you
get to the point of 3-Betting and 4-Betting you'd
better have a multi-street plan, so start now and
plan responses ESPECIALLY when there are short-stacks
behind you.

Without this skill-set, limit your steals to spots
with value, and with a hand that warrants it.

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