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Old 11-14-2007, 11:58 AM
skier_5 skier_5 is offline
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Default Something you guys dont do enough

Shoving over late position short stacker opens. The ranges here are just an example and feel free to make your own. My math reflects these ranges and shows you on the EV you are missing out on.

You have a few situations

Assume 20bb stacks

1) shortstacker 3x otb and you are the BB. There is their raise + sb + bb in the pot or 4.5bb. So you are risking 19bb to win 4.5bb. If we use

these ranges (the shortstackers will adjust and you will have to adjust your range accordingly)

equity win tie pots won pots tied

Hand 0: 66.810% 65.48% 01.33% 26771923296 542041176.00 { 99+, AQs+, AQo+ }

Hand 1: 33.190% 31.86% 01.33% 13026964656 542041176.00 { 22+, A2s+, K6s+, Q9s+, J9s+, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s, A2o+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }

So in this 40.5bb pot when called you will have 33.2% equity, or 13.45bb, so when your shove is called you lose 19-13.45bb or 5.55bb.

So this means that

0 (breakeven) = x*4.5bb -(1-x)*5.5bb

is the breakeven point

0=4.5x - 5.5 +5.5x
5.5 = 10x
x= 0.55

This means you only have to win the pot 55% of the time to be breakeven.

Now let's revist the shortstackers range - { 99+, AQs+, AQo+ } - this compromises 5.1% of hands. Many shortstackers attempt to steal is as high

as 40%.

5.1/40 = 12.75%.

They are only calling you ~13% of the time. of a required 45%. This is hugely +EV for you. huge. and hugely -EV for them and who wants them ruining our games anymore amirite?


You can figure this out for a few more situations. The pot will always be the same so you only have to change a few things in our equation.

if they minraise out of the sb

0 (breakeven) = x*3bb -(1-x)*5.5bb
0 = 4x -5.5 +5.5x
5.5 = 9.5x
x = 58%

They don't have to fold much more often.

But skier, what if they widen their range?

Example A)

equity win tie pots won pots tied

Hand 0: 56.722% 54.42% 02.30% 69847911740 2951209546.00 { 44+, A5s+, KTs+, A7o+, KQo }

Hand 1: 43.278% 40.98% 02.30% 52593703184 2951209546.00 { 22+, A2s+, K6s+, Q9s+, J9s+, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s, A2o+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }

This time their calling range comrpomises 15.8% of total hands. or 40% of their opening range.

BUT our equity is better this time so in a 40.5bb pot we have 43.3% or 17.54bb. So now our equation is:

0 (breakeven) = x*4.5bb -(1-x)*1.46bb
0 = 4.5 - 1.46 +1.46
1.46 = 5.96x
x = 24.5%

Since they are folding 60% of their range this is hugely +EV.

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