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Old 11-14-2007, 11:23 AM
Red Shell Red Shell is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 48
Default Re: How does 5/10 rule apply to 3 bets?

the 5/10 rule is to high imo, the game has moved on. when considering when to call, you have to look at way more than % of stacks. Went to showdown, preflop raise and aggression are much more important.

In general if your three bet your usually looking at 2/1 on your call. So you have to estimate if you can make up the extra, either by playing for pair value or via a set. If the player is straight forward and c-bets, checks turn and river with wiffed hands then you can play prefectly. If the players a little more aggro postflop then you need to consider your implied odds more which is where went to showdown is important.
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