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Old 11-14-2007, 10:35 AM
FoldEqu1ty FoldEqu1ty is offline
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Default Re: SSNL [cheese] thread: NOV 2007 (nc)

Not stress free, 6max hasn't been stress free for mel for months. I game select very well. I datamine all day and all night and only pick weak tables.

I don't want to be a nit, I want to play poker and get better. I don't play that much HU anymore, that was only last night. Tonight was 6max and it made zero difference.

I still ran like crap and lost. Like I said, -$1200 just on my all-in equity. I haven't had more than one day in a row where i've run above expectation and not been coolered since August. There's been bits of tilt in there, but i'm up money, just not as much as I should be. I've literally forgotten what it's like to sit down for several sessions in a week and not have a losing one.

Anyway there's little anyone can do, so bleh. Just let me vent.


Gogo variance.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] this sentiment annoys the hell out of me.

"Playing poker" constitutes the exploitation of your opponents tendancies with a proper counter-strategy. If you really are dataming 24/7 and exercising impreccable table selection, then you will be sitting at tables full of loose calling stations and maniacs. Versus loose stations and maniacs, the best, most sensible and imo most profitable counter-strategy is to tighten up and value bet extremely hard.

If you are a great "poker player", then in juicy games, your edge will be so great that getting into marginal high-variance situations wil simply not be worth it for you. If you are beating a level for say 5PTBB/100 just playing solid and are still capable of moving up, then it would be beyond stupid to triple your variance for the sake of an extra 1PTBB/100.