Thread: 32 outs
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Old 11-14-2007, 08:43 AM
RoundTower RoundTower is offline
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Default Re: 32 outs

low content thread?

<font color="blue">Hi RoundTower - I'm going to post my reply here, rather than making a separate post that would move this to the front of the forum.

I don't mean this as a criticism of you at all. I appreciate your point of view. Here is mine:

The thread is here now. Once somebody starts a thread, I don't know of any way to move it into the low content thread. As far as I know, I can only delete a thread, lock it, or move it into another forum.

And in truth, I prefer this topic to have a separate thread. It does have some theoretical content in that it involves a consideration of outs. That may be elementary for someone with as much experience and expertise as you, but it might be right on the button for someone who is just starting to learn the game.

The other thing is separate threads gradually are pushed back by new threads. However, the low content thread keeps coming back and back and back, and finally takes up most of the first page almost every time we log onto this forum. Not a big deal, because we scroll down until the color changes before we start reading, but some of the stuff in the low content thread is interesting to us and the material in this thread would continually take up several inches of vertical space on our monitors. Taken for everyone who reads this forum, that's a big waste of scrolling time over a month. Much better if this thread simply moves on when people are finished with it.

That's just my opinion. Thus I don't mind a separate thread for this topic at all.

When I read your comment, it made me wonder if I should have done something about this thread, or if I should do something about this thread (or any other thread where I read that type of comment) - but in my judgment this thread simply doesn't merit any of the actions (that I know of) that are available to me.

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