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Old 11-14-2007, 07:13 AM
djeric1 djeric1 is offline
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Posts: 59
Default Re: Plan with AA against LAG?

Thanks for the responses...

My thinking at the time was that while villain is definitely a LAG, he's not out of his mind, and that I should 3-bet for value and to charge him to draw, and muck to a 4-bet, because a 4-bet means I am drawing to 2-4 outs (he has a full house or a straight). So anyway, I 3-bet, he instantly 4-bet, and my cards instantly flew into the muck.

Not sure if I like that line though against someone who knows that I am capable of bet/folding, 3b/folding, because this sort of villain could definitely try to push me off AA with any sort of draw just because he knows I won't call a 4 bet with a big overpair. I think against a tricky player who's got game, I should call down, and potentially raise a safe river card.

Just for the record, I spoke with villain away from the table, and while he didn't tell me exactly what he had, he promised he had me beat and drawing to 2 outs.
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