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Old 11-14-2007, 06:15 AM
mrick mrick is offline
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Default Re: Blackwater: Did anyone hear this???


Cliff notes: the Polish ambassador's convoy is ambushed, the Polish bodyguards return fire and fight it out, one Polish bodyguard is actually killed, Polish ambassador is saved, event over. Then, Blackwater helicopters are called transport everyone away. As your link says, "Blackwater was not involved in protecting the Polish convoy." So the title of the article is misleading. What was your point again?

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That Blackwater was called in and completed the mission after the Polish bodyguards failed miserably.

[/ QUOTE ] You're not reading your own links. The Polish ambassador was saved by his bodyguards. The bodyguards efforts were successful --and heroic. One of them got killed. Blackwater arrived after the event was over and taxied everyone out.

I'm sure they got paid handsomely, of course, for a "mission accomplished"...

He denies that Blackwater are above the law!!?

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No, he doesn't. [He] has publicly stated that Blackwater agents shouldn't be above the law.

[/ QUOTE ] I don't care what he has "publicly stated" elsewhere! Your link has the man's viewpoint very clearly. And the man's viewpoint is that Blackwater should not be investigated by the FBI using American standards of law!..

And if they're above the law, why is the FBI investigating them presently?

[/ QUOTE ] You're absolutely correct there! You know what I think? I think it's all political posturing, because those guys have immunity in Iraq. The government sent the FBI after Blackwater to score some media points.

To answer my own question, so you don't have to make up BS, they are not, nor have they ever been, immune from US law. Iraqi law, yes. US law, no.

[/ QUOTE ]Did I claim that Blackwater were immune from US law? I didn't. I pointed out that they have immunity in Iraq, something which was denied by that idiot from your link (here : "Blackwater [is not] unaccountable and above the law").

You're seriously saying that Blackwater are going to be held accountable in the United States for what they did in a foreign country in which they explicitly enjoy immunity?? Cut the BS. Do you realize what would happen if Blackwater were indeed indicted? The whole immunity shield protecting U.S. military personnel from foreign jurisdiction, put together through a series of one-sided bilateral treaties, would come undone. Never happen.
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