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Old 11-14-2007, 04:30 AM
St. lucifer St. lucifer is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 38
Default Re: Time for a McJob

First of all thanks to everyone for their input regarding this matter. Ive been playing for a fairly long time now and have put in just over 4000 games. I feel have seen and experienced all the things a vet sng player would (IMO) and have read lots of books in addition to lurking around 2+2 for quite some time.That being said... i am confident that my sng play level is high. I know I could grind up the low stakes sng's but the constant low level cashing out kills my passion for the grind and makes the entire process seem tedious... Juices begin to dry...Bad decisions/beats ensue...and I become enraged with lower stake play. It seems like the same cycle every month.

I feel if i deposited 1000-2000 and multi'd the 20-25's I would be very succesfull. Part of my success is being able to read certain opponents at a table so over 6 tables would almost negate my edge in that category. I feel that I consistently beat players that 20 table due to this factor. Alos, at that level im sure my juice and drive wouldn't suffer like it would grinding the lows.
...I just need to break the cashout cycle by getting a job and depositing and then playing where i should be playing imo. dont hesitate to challenge any statements made
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