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Old 11-14-2007, 02:53 AM
dankhank dankhank is offline
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Default Re: Heroes - 11-12 - Background Episode

i thought this episode was meh

bob is actively neutralizing or taking control of all the "good guys" soldiers. this would allow someone like adam or sylar to have an easier time of it, or maybe make it easier to spread a plague.

obviously there is manipulation putting adam and peter within speaking distance and making it so easy to escape. adam obviously had no problem with their cell conversations being overhead (but of course there is already the plothole of mohinder not worrying about his phone conversations with noah being heard in the facility).

adam was unquestionably deceiving hiro during samurai-era japan, right? he had to figure hiro was a good guy, yet he didn't let on to his identity. meanwhile he has no problem telling peter he is 400 years old. but if he is supreme evil guy, why didn't he make sure hiro died when he had the chance? peter to hiro has always been the connection that saves the day, but adam seems intent on separating them.

if adam is working with bob why would bob reveal his identity to mohinder and matt?

i always figured the haitian could only block mental abilities. what power of sylar's did he block? i'm guessing his decision to wipe peter's memory was... in hopes of making him forget his friendly feelings for adam? i can't think of another reason other than the lame one of wanting to liberate peter from his power/life.
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