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Old 11-14-2007, 02:04 AM
bsball8806 bsball8806 is offline
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Default Re: NL 10: Call Stations, What To Do?

I find that the biggest mistake good players make at 10 NL is FPS (fancy play syndrome). This includes weird strategies people have adopted preflop (like not raising, raising too much, etc.), trying to get people to fold marginal hands, bluffing, triple barreling a calling station, etc.

With that in mind, play your good hands for value. Value bet when you have the best hand, shut down when you get called/miss the flop/get check raised. Don't make fancy plays in an attempt to "make" your opponents fold. Remember, you can't bluff calling stations. One of the most useful plays at 10NL i utilize is the bet, then a turn c/r.
If I have AK, and the flop comes something like AA4 rainbow, I'll continuation bet. If I get called by a hand that I suspect is a mid pocket pair, I'll very often check the turn. This hand will now think it's best, and make a pot size raise, which I can then raise the s**t out of.

I find that flop c/r are very often draws. I find that flat calling these draws, then betting strong on a blank turn will often cause them to fold. However, slowplaying is the new black at these lower limits, and sets are the prime examples. I once saw someone slowplay 88 on a 8 9 10 board, then push all in when the turn was a Q and someone with J10 gladly stacked them.

These are just my 2 cents from my experience at 10NL.
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