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Old 11-13-2007, 10:10 PM
toss toss is offline
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Default Re: Sleep Paralysis, Lucid Dreaming & Hallucinations.

Had a lucid dream a few days ago. Been a couple of years since I had one so I made an effort to have one. Slept for around 8 hours then I woke up. I dreamed I was running around a building under construction then into a huge mostly empty mall. For some reason large restrooms keep popping up in my dreams. Eventually I made my way to some kind of cafeteria-like restaurant with an Asian flair. Thats the most I can remember from my first dream. I woke up and tried to remember if I had dreamed. The dream slowly surfaced and I came to realize it wasn't lucid. I was a little disappointed. I went back to sleep with the intent to have a lucid dream.

A one-story (probably) house that's been lived in. Painted wooden exterior (don't know which color), dimly lit kitchen with messy counter tops, not too much space to move around. Somehow I realized I was dreaming. I looked at my hands because I read somewhere that they would usually be distorted in some way. I only had four fingers. All my fingers seemed to be shorter and my hands were reversed. It could've been my thumbs that were missing. My next thought was to look at myself in the mirror and lo and behold there was a mirror on the wall. Didn't see it there before. The mirror or the wall. It was difficult at first trying to see myself in the mirror. My angle of viewing kept changing and all I saw were glimpse. I finally succeeded and saw myself in the mirror. I had a smile that stretched almost from ear to ear. My pupils were dark and covered most of my eyes. My hair was longer stopping about half an inch above my eyes. Now that I've used a mirror it was time to test gravity. I went out to the grassy backyard. The sun was cool and dim. An small old dead tree stood in the yard just like the one at my old house. I jumped pretty high. Not high enough to get onto the roof of the house, but pretty high compared to the real world. I spent a few moments jumping around until my dream started getting fuzzy as I got too far from the house. Maybe my mind can't create a large environment when I'm lucid dreaming. I went back to the house and there was 4 or 5 cakes in a row on a rectangular table. I don't what kind, I think it was chocolate. I'm lactose intolerant so I better eat all this dream cake and I did. Turns out you don't get full when you're dream eating. Then I went into the kitchen and there was a pizza with loads of melty cheese on top. I ate it messily with my fingers. That's as much as I can remember from that dream.
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