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Old 11-13-2007, 09:04 PM
Xanta Xanta is offline
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Default Re: ***SSNL LIFE THREAD NOV***


nath, it sounds like we have pretty similar taste in music (I also went through a phase where I listened to Dylan exclusively for around half a year, then progressed onto mostly pitchfork style indie rock) and I've listened to the Kortedala album probably 5 or 6 times now and I'm still having trouble getting into it. My friends love it for the most part, and while I really appreciate the lyrics the music still hasn't done much for me. I usually have to listen to an album a few times before making an assessment, so maybe it just needs to sink in some more.

Is it weird that his lyrics remind me of The Streets? Polar opposite music styles but they both have this odd way of describing bizzare details of seemingly inconsequential stuff so well that it really places you in the scene.