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Old 11-13-2007, 06:37 PM
highhustla highhustla is offline
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Default Re: Simplifying My Absolute Post

3. Absolute is going to whether this storm no matter what we do. And they are probably going to get rid of the bad apples and eventually run a good site. Driving them out of business might be fun. But if it is mainly innocent idiots who are hurt rather than thieves it isn't that fun. Also making too much of this whole thing when they are now trying to correct it, could be bad for poker in general. That being said I would be all for a probably futile effort to put them out of business if it was clear they have retained their theives and were still trying to rob us. But it is not clear.

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Mr. Sklansky,

You seem to be correct that they are going to weather the storm no matter what we do.

Regarding the latter point, however: I believe it is in fact very, very clear--as clear as it ever possibly could be, given the ridiculous opacity of AP's structure--that they have indeed retained the thieves. I believe the only statement we've heard from them is that the thieves can "no longer access" AP. One of them is an owner, ffs. Both of them were in charge of day-to-day operations during the cheating, as far as we know (how does this happen in the first place?). Seif, also an owner, has tried to help stonewall.

We don't have any proof that they are still trying to rob us at the moment, but it's not clear that they AREN'T trying to rob us, either. How can you say that the burden of proof isn't on AP?
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