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Old 11-13-2007, 05:57 PM
Ben K Ben K is offline
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Default Re: Pokertracker and Top Pair

This is in the known final hand summary right?

Over 58k hands:
High card - (6.7k)
One pair - (7.5k)
Two pair - (1.9k)
Trips - 4.4k
Str8 - 4.6k
Flush - 3.2k
Quads - 0.8k

Overall up 1.3k.

Compared to me, you're doing well to be winning at 2 pair.

However, this summary in PT includes all hands where there was a showdown so I'm not sure how useful it is. I mean I folded one of my royal flushes pre flop (T5o lol) and that's in the mix. So I'm not sure these stats are worth worrying about imo.