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Old 11-13-2007, 04:26 PM
HDPM HDPM is offline
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Default Re: Match Play - Giving Putts

Cue tons of traditionalists/golf nits coming to your defense saying how dumb gimmes are, a miss is a miss, etc. Standard.

I dunno though, the thing is I would hate for a hole to be won/lost by something like that. It's like when Olazabal missed a yip-length putt against Tiger in a playoff at Torrey Pines a year or two ago, Tiger just sort of looked down like WTF was that, what a crappy way to win. It was short enough that Tiger probably would have given it to him in match play.

The people who do NOT get putts from me are the gimme beggars, the ones who are head cases and always asking for putts that they would rather not have to putt. I may be a head case at times but I never, ever ask for a putt to be conceded.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually in this case I think a traditionalist would be the opposite of a golf nit. IMO the traditionalist would/should not be nitty in that it is the spirit of the game that is paramount and the result of the competition is secondary, plus the preference of match play to stroke play by hardcore traditionalists. Some of this actually starts touching on what amateurism is. I give putts somewhat liberally because I like fast play and sportsmanship more than I like winning some amateur match. If it somehow costs me the $47 merchandise prize or $2 bet I don't care. (That doesn't mean a 4 footer with the match all square even if they talk about 4 footers as tap ins on TV) I will stop giving putts if somebody is a total ass or cheats or something. Even then I might give very short putts to keep things moving.

One small thing, I used to play in this twilight league where you could give putts, but only the individual could do it because two people from the same team would play 2 singles matches in a group with 4 players. (Not a fourball where a player can concede for the team) One guy from my team wouldn't give putts, mainly from inattention or cluelessness rather than nittiness. He would be looking off in the sunset while his opponent was trying to see if a one footer in my line was good. Invariably my line would get trampled while one clueless 300 pound guy made his one footer standing on my line while my clueless teammate was zoning out. Drove me nuts. I had to ask him to start conceding 3 inch putts on my line but he wouldn't pay attention. He was a slow player too naturally.
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