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Old 11-13-2007, 04:03 PM
Hawklet Hawklet is offline
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Default Pet Peeve: People Misusing \"him and I\"

I don't understand why this is so annoying to me. I'm ok with people saying "him and me went to the mall" because they just don't know any better or don't care. I think it's because it's people over compensating for grammar problems which makes them sound stupid when they're trying to sound smarter than everyone.

Example 1:

"Stu and I went to school together."
Right perfect nothing wrong. First Person subjective.

Example 2:

"Pass the ball to John and I."
No! Just because it comes in a series doesn't mean you should use "I" if you're the last element. It just makes you sound like a pretentious d-bag. It's first person objective, everyone else uses "me", why can't you?

Example 3:

Really? Couldn't think of a more possessive first person word? I mean you went to college and everything, I'm sure if you were gonna take the time to use "I" (because no one naturally says that) you could figure out that that's wrong.

I don't know why this bothers me. But I want to smack everyone who does this.
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