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Old 11-13-2007, 03:26 PM
black knight black knight is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 324
Default Re: Match Play - Giving Putts

There are a combination of factors that go into how far my 'gimmie circle' is in match play.

1. How likely are they to reciprocate? If I start giving 3', are they always going to give them to me? If not, then my circle tightens.

2. How well are THEY putting? If they're missing at least 15% from 3', my circle might tighten. BUT,

3. How well am I putting? If I'm putting really well, my circle might tighten (unless they're equally good from short range, cuz then giving putts saves time and makes for a 'nicer' match). If I'm not doing well from that range, then if they'll reciprocate, I'll widen my circle to 4' maybe.

Mostly, I see gimmies in match play as a way to get a slight edge by figuring out how to go about it slightly better than your opponent...but it can only ever be SLIGHT, cuz if it's a fairly big edge, then it's going to be obvious and you'll be a dick and no one will want to play with you.
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