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Old 11-13-2007, 03:10 PM
antidan444 antidan444 is offline
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Default Re: NWO TAKEOVER — Game thread

OK maybe I'll post the videos later but make my comments now. Then if people want to search for the videos themselves they can. Most are on, a few are hosted on myspace or youtube.


Hart/Perfect IC title Summerslam - This is the start of Bret's first IC title reign and really the start of him becoming a highly regarded singles wrestler. Great match, one of the best IC title matches ever (probably in the lower half of the top 10).


Hart/Piper Wrestlemania VIII - The start of Bret's second IC title reign and a match that further enhanced Bret's growing reputation as a singles star. At the time I thought the finish to the match was really cool and different. Bret would use that finish a couple more times.

Hart/Michaels IC title ladder match - This is kind of a sore spot with me, a lot of people think Michaels invented the ladder match concept. BZZZZZT! Michaels and Ramon certainly elevated it to a new level at Wrestlemania X, but the match concept started in Stu Hart's Stampede promotion and Bret brought it to the WWE.

Hart/Bulldog IC title Summerslam - The greatest IC title match ever. Probably the only time a match for the IC title will ever be the main event at a major PPV. It's basically the match that won Bret the WWE title and cemented his new-found status as "the man."

Hart/Flair WWE title Saskatoon - Bret's first WWE title reign started here. The styles of the two men don't mesh that well, Flair tends to ad-lib a lot of stuff and Bret is a little more deliberate and it didn't work as well as I expected. I think that's one of the main reasons both guys think the other is overrated (I think they're both rated perfectly, Flair is the best ever when you combine his in-ring and mic skills, Bret is regarded as one of the four or five best in-ring performers ever (Flair, Bret, Shawn, Angle would be my top four).

Hart/Michaels WWE title Survivor Series - A forgotten classic, a really, really good match that was Bret's first title defense on PPV (Michaels was the IC champ at that time) and helped further establish him as a deserving champ.


Hart/Ramon WWE title Royal Rumble - Another solid match. Gotta love Ramon (Scott Hall) flicking his toothpick at the kid Bret gave his sunglasses to.

Hart/123 Kid WWE title RAW - Love this match. It's the perfect example of Bret taking a young, raw but talented wrestler and elevating him to new heights.

(In here would be the Yokozuna cluster-you-know-what with Hogan winning the title at Wrestlemania IV, but THAT NEVER HAPPENED DO YOU HEAR ME VINCE WHAT THE [censored] WERE YOU THINKING?!)


Bret/Owen Wrestlemania X - I expected this to be a good match, I never expected it to be a great one. I actually didn't think much of Owen until this match, and then, holy hell he busted his ass and looked awesome. Plus it set up an even better match a few months later.

(Insert Hart beating Yoko for the title later in the night. Terrible match, as all Yoko matches were, but it gave Hart his second world title reign.)

Bret/Owen WWE title Summerslam cage match - One of the best, if not the best, cage match involving WWE's old-school blue-bars cage, which sucks. The match is great, especially when both men fight on the top rope/at the top of the cage.


Hart/Bulldog WWE title In Your House - Not as good as their 1992 IC title match (what is?) but still a very, very good match with, I think, a suplex where both men go from inside the ring to out of it in a sick, sick move.


Hart/Michaels WWE title Ironman Match Wrestlemania XII - The defining moment in Michaels' career, and I don't intend to take anything away from it, he deserved the title and the moment. But this match is overrated. A 30-minute Ironman match would have been perfect, but that doesn't have the allure of an hour, so instead both guys had to pace themselves and the first 40 or so minutes are a lot of rest holds with a giood move or two thrown in every five or so minutes. It just drags IMO. That said the final 10-15 minutes are very, very, very good.

Hart-Austin Survivor Series - Hart's return from a knee injury, and this match was awesome. It's overshadowed by the submission match at Wrestlemania XIII (and in some ways should be) but this match showed Bret hadn't lost a step and Austin was a future superstar.


Hart-Austin submission match Wrestlemania XIII - The infamous double-turn, where Hart becomes a disillusioned-hero heel and Austin a tough-as-nails face. Great, great match and one of the best stories ever told in the ring.

Hart-Undertaker WWE title Summerslam - Michaels was the guest referee and wound up costing the Undertaker the title with a chair shot to the head that Hart moved out of the way of. It set up what became the infamous Survivor Series screwjob, but this match itself is very good and worth seeing.


Hart's great moments in WCW are few and far between. He had a very good match with Flair at Souled Out 1998 (with a couple good promos with Flair leading up to it), and his last promo in WCW with Goldberg is awesome. And yes, I'm purposely leaving out Chris Benoit for obvious reasons.

(OK so it wasn't quite 30 matches LOL me.)
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