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Old 11-13-2007, 02:36 PM
mike4you mike4you is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 22
Default Re: Bad beat tilt versus dumb decision tilt

I know exatcly what you mean, 2 completley diferant forms of tilt. The bad beat titlt ( exploding) and the bad play tilt ( imploding) to very differant causes and reactions.

I find it very intersting as I have this same problem. When I go on exploding titlt after beats, I go looking to put those same beats on others, with 64s calling 3 bets, and it almost never works, but when it does theres asence of justice and you kool off.

imploding bad play tilt, is worse IMO, because you start to doubt yourself, when u get AI with AA pre VS 44 and he hits a 4, theres nothing you can do. BUT

when u raise AA get called FLOP hits- 246 rainbow u get C/R and call and shove his turn bet on a 246-7 and shows u 44, its like "wtf am I doing here" what could I possibly beat, if Icant fold AA on that board, when am I gunna toss it? and this feeling sucks huge.

My soloution is this, whatch some HSP season 1-2 where DN goes on major tilt and gives away over 500K calling 50k on river bets with mid pair mid kicker, or calling AI on the turn with a naked flush draw etc. this shows you that WORLD CLASS players make the mistakes you do, and tilt off houses,ferraris, college funds etc. ALSO you can read Brian ( Sbrugby) townsends msot recent blogs, where he states hes getting crushed at HU PLO and cant seem to putit together, seeing great players struggle with ur issues, will help you deal knowing, that games best keep thier laptops at the bottom of there swimming pools.

Also ur oppenants are reall people too, I forget this soemtimes, ( online of course) u see a wierd name an avatar and number of chips, its like a CPU in a videogame playing you, BUT these guys tilt off the same way you dom if not worse, so it happens to everyone. Hope this helped somewhat ?????
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