Thread: scar stories
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:52 PM
Disturbance Disturbance is offline
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Default Re: scar stories

Interesting thread.

I have a small bald spot on top of my head (thankfully covered by the rest of my hair) where my sister hit me with a large ornamental dog when I was very young.
A 1 inch scar above my right eyebrow from headbutting concrete in a playground, tried to jump off something and slipped.
A 2 inch scar running down face next to right eye when a ladder fell on me.
A scar on my middle finger due to the tip being severed when I trapped it in a door.
A scar on another finger from knife cut.
I also can't grow a full beard as I badly scraped my lower jaw on the right side of my face falling off a bike, no scar though!

All of the scars are quite faint now, can only really see them under direct light.

Oh and one more, a small scar on my lower lip after i bit through it in a fight. Looks like a freckle now though.
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