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Old 11-13-2007, 01:24 PM
WillyT WillyT is offline
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Default Is My Laptop Crapping Out For Good???

Hi Guys,

I have an Acer Travelmate 8200 that I bought a little over 1.5 years ago. It was the first dual processor laptop on the market and I bought it soon after it came out.

A few days back it was running very slowly so I went to reboot it. When I did so it wouldn't turn back on. So I turn it back on and let it 'disk check' this time and it finds several errors mostly pertaining to fixing stuff in my temporary internet files and after several hours of the disk check running I finally get it to boot up where I find that my Windows thinks it is a bootleg copy.
I followed the directions to square away my Windows registry (i use XP professional fwiw.). So all is good with that.
I then cleared all of my temporary internet files and removed all cookies.

Now, my laptop is still lagging quite a bit. For example, if I'm watching a DVD the sound quality will be terrible with the voices stretched out on diff words, etc.

Is there anything I can do to diagnose and perhaps correct some of these issues?

I realize this may be something quite simple but I'm not very technologically proficient so any words of wisdom you can pass out will be greatly appreciated.

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