Thread: scar stories
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:05 PM
wet work wet work is offline
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Default Re: scar stories

I have the graphite in my hand too. Standing behind a girl waiting to sharpen my pencil in 2nd grade and she turned around and accidentally stabbed me. Right between the knuckle on my left ring finger, palm side. I remember running to the nurse with the pencil sticking out of my hand. Still visible after almost 30yrs.

Tiny one on my upper right inner arm from a bb. Having a bb gun battle in the woods(2pump limit) then after we were done I shot a full strength shot by my friends foot as a joke. He fired back and hit me in the arm, right in the artery, blood was just pumpimg out of me. Ran home and went to the hospital cursing him out the whole time. There were actually a few dots on the ceiling of my house.

A 1" scar on my left hand between index/thumb. Drunk playing with a friends boning knife. Threw it to stick it in the floor but it didn't stick. It oddly ricocheted back and shot right by me slicing me in the process. Sliced the ligament clean through. That took like two small operations to fix.

Worst one. About 2 inches now, above my left eye. When I was 6 I was riding my bike to a local park. Get off to walk across a bridge. There are a bunch of teenagers on the other side and a small small model dragster on the ground on my side. As I approach all the teenagers are yelling across to me to check out the car. I keep walking closer and the thing explodes, they had put an m-80 in it. Brilliant. A piece of the car hit me. Ended up getting 45 or 50 stitches.
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