Thread: scar stories
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Old 11-13-2007, 03:47 AM
opla opla is offline
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Default Re: scar stories

I've got one that is pretty embarassing and is one of those WTF were you thinking moments. I was 14 and had gotten a job at a grocery store stocking. Obviously they gave me a boxcutter, well I pretty much carried it with me wherever I went.

So I'm at the mall with my parents and we take my little sister to see Santa and she gets this candy thing and it's wrapped up pretty good and we've walked into Crate & Barrel and me being the genius I am decide to open it with my boxcutter. I slice this candy open and drag it across the bottom side of my hand. So I'm standing there and this thing is pouring blood all over the floor, the lady gets me a paper towel roll and my parents take me to the ER.

The other story is about my dad. I'm a little fuzzy on the details. When he was a teenager he got into a fight with some kid and I think at some point he got pushed into some metal shelving maybe, well it took a huge chunk outta his arm, so he's got this huge scar on his elbow and forearm. In that same fight he ended up breaking his thumb and it got really messed up, ever since he can't really make a closed fist, his thumb just kinda sticks out if he tries to make one.
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