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Old 11-13-2007, 02:28 AM
KDawg KDawg is offline
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Default Re: wine importers you trust

cool, something to work with, now are you willing to extend that range up to $35?, cause then we'd really have some room to work with.

well, my first and foremost rec would be, check out the 05 montes alpha syrah from chile. It's between 14-18 depending on your area, and it seriously rocks. Next I would move over to australia(since unfortunetly I don't know nearly enough about spain to give that many solid recs at this time) and have you check out the 05 John Duval Plexus.

I will say this right now, aviod mollydooker like the friggen plauge, it's just not all that good and the reviews are all over the place(personally I utterly hated the boxer while I know that Mike l loved it, he gave it a 90, I gave it a 78).

if you want to check out pinot noir, really check out the 06 westrey from oregon. My store sold out of it fast, but this is a insane QPR(quality price ratio) and IMO is grand theft larceny at around 22-26. it's from oregon and should be widely available.

as far as cabernets go, if you are willing to spend up to about 50, you can get some sick stuff. I'm a big fan of Don Melchor, and they make cabs that if they were produced in america would easily cost upwards of 100 a bottle. The thing is with the 04 edition, you need to decant the crap out of it. it's more backwards in style and isn't as fruit forward as the 03(which is fastly becoming a legend).

i'm gonna have a smoke and watch a wine blog, so keep the questions coming and hopefully I can help(I really do need to note though that my tastes may be different then yours, so your best bet is to build a rapport with your local wine store and talk to the main guys there, I'm always willing to help out via PM and hopefully I as learn your tastes I can help better recomend stuff)
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