Thread: Karaoke
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:39 AM
Stumpy Stumpy is offline
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Default Re: Karaoke

I just did this for the first time this week. We were all very drunk.
I had no intention of taking it seriously and just wanted to do something stupid with friends.

The thing I noticed is almost everyone there completely ignored the singing, unless it was someone at their table. Except this couple. How weird is this:

I was amazingly awful. I didn't expect to be good, but I chose "Why don't we get drunk and screw" because it is basically a monotone, and it's short, and has about 30 words. They don't give people the hook at karaoke bars, but halfway through the song the dude turned the lyrics on over me. I would like to progress from painfully awful to amusingly awful, if anyone has suggestions.
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