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Old 11-13-2007, 12:59 AM
tautomer tautomer is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 356
Default Re: How many Buyins is your HU SNG bankroll?

Does anyone increase the number of buyins for every level they move up? Not a huge jump but at least a few buyins to pad the expected skill increase. Or is this type of thing already considered in the math? So if you are comfortable with 20 buyins at the $10 SNGs maybe wait until you have 22-25 buyins for the $20 games, etc. I would expect the risk of ruin to increase as you move up and adding the pad should keep it more or less constant. This has probably already been thoroughly discussed and I missed it.

On an everyday basis I am a cash game player but will sometimes take a day or three of SNGs for a change of pace. Those days I'll generally be very conservative since the change of pace is supposed to be a bit of a break. But sometimes if I have cashed out from a site and have very little left I'll go the superaggressive route and play on less than 10 buyins for the challenge of rebuilding the roll from scratch, even if I have only like $14.78 or something odd like that remaining and have to start at the $2 games. The money at those levels means nothing but building from scratch is kind of fun so risk of ruin is essentially meaningless at that point.

I guess it all comes down to why you are playing. If it's for paying bills then being superaggressive is obviously not very smart. If it's to challenge yourself then do whatever you damn well please lol.
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