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Old 11-13-2007, 12:03 AM
Zygote Zygote is offline
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Default Re: Anarchists must be Anarcho-capitalists


Explain to me how precisely this is different from regular old Anarchy. Thanks. The only thing in your post I dispute is the add-on of "capitalism".

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capitalism means a structure of private property. Socialism means a structure of social property.

If society is anarchistic it must be capitalistic. that is the only way to provide individual freedom and therefore a diversity of ideas lacking a coercive over-arching structure. Within that society there can be corperations and kibbutz's which live side by side. Even a kibbutz is capitalistic so far as they keep the land to themselves treat the property as social amongst themselves and dont interfere with the lives of others including the rights of members to defect.

In reality, the entire foundation of anarcho-capitalism is just Anarchy, which is the dismantling of the state. What happens after that is entirely up to individuals. What you believe is and isn't ok after that is irrelevant - it will simply be free agents making choices in the absence of government force. If people have enough force behind them, or no one to hold them accountable, they will still do what they want, including violating the property "rights" of others. So the -capitalism bit is exactly what I said: a tag on the end to make regular old Anarchy sound more credible.

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What do you define a state as? If they violate the property rights of others to enforce their structure then what makes them different from stalin? How can they be called anarchists?
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