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Old 11-12-2007, 09:27 PM
GTL GTL is offline
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Default Re: A Big Disappointment

Boy, I didn't see any of the people in No Country as smart or capable. Anton is simply a robotic killer who gets no pleasure out of life. Brolin's character is not smart, he is only motivated by trying to keep the money. He ends up as he would have been expected to end up. Woody Harrelson's character is an idiot--he sees the briefcase but doesn't get it and ends up with Anton walking up the stairs right behind him. The guy in the office building ends up the same way. Tommy Lee Jones is a small-town lawman, similar to Macdormand's character in Fargo, but without the intelligence or drive of the heroine in Fargo; he fails to get his man. Brolin's wife is unable or unwilling to help him and her mother is a bigotted loudmouth.

I do agree that Fargo was done more as a black comedy than No Country. Buscemi, MacDormand, and Macy are good comic actors and played their roles accordingly in Fargo. There was nothing like that in No Country, just a few funny lines.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to disagree with your opinion that the characters in No Country were not smart or capable. I'll give a few examples that were in the movie (the book spends a lot more time highlighting what the individual characters are good at and different areas of expertise)

Chigurh is injured by moss when they have a firefight in the hotel across the mexican border. Afterwards Chigurh is badly injured and is incredibly resourceful. He creates a diversion (blows up a car) and then steals the medical supplies he needs to patch up his bullet wound. He patches himself up, on his own, in a hotel room. This is a clear sign of intelligence. He understands medicine. This also proves that he is capable. Being able to clean a bullet wound and then suture the wound is not an easy task and takes expertise.

Moss has a very deep skill set as well when it comes to survival, weaponry, and street smarts. He manages to stay a step ahead of Chigurh the whole movie. Chigurh does not kill Moss. Many people may not realize this. In my opinion, Moss' mother in law is responsible for getting him killed. You can take this how you want. He is very good with guns, and the only person who survives a gunfight with chigurh. etc... etc...

The Sheriff is very smart. I have no idea why you see him as unintelligent. From the very beginning he realizes that Chigurh is a sociopath. He understands the trouble Moss is in and he does everything he can to help him. This is why he doesn't focus on the crime scenes and instead focuses on Moss' wife. He knows that the only way to find Moss will be through his wife. In the end, he does get the info from the wife. He is a good cop. There is no way to catch or stop Chigurh. In my opinion, Chigurh is a god like being, unstoppable.

Maybe I'll post more, but if you still disagree with me we're probably at an impasse and arguing further won't get us anywhere.

You are not supposed to necessarily like any of the characters in No Country. It's a tragedy, and each character who dies is responsible for their own death in some way. The story is about why people make choices that lead to tragedy. If you think about the movie, none of the choices that lead to tragedy for Moss or his Wife had to do with the money.
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