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Old 11-12-2007, 08:41 PM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: November 14th: House Judiciary Committee Hearing Thread Article

Internet Gambling Hearing to be Held Nov 14 by House Judiciary Committee

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, has set a date for a hearing on Internet gambling. The set date will be November 14, at 10 AM in the Rayburn Building in Washington D.C.

The intentions of the Judiciary Hearing are to find out if there can be rules to fairly and effectively mete out laws concerning regulation in order to get rid of the current prohibition.

The hearing is a direct result of efforts of the Poker Players Alliance's (PPA) lobbying 'fly-in' they hosted in D.C. last month.

There is not an official 'Hearing on Establishing Consistent Enforcement Policies in the Context of Online Wagers' list of those giving testimony, however, it is rumored that Annie Duke, a poker professional, will be there to establish her views on the skill aspect of poker.

Also expected, but not confirmed, to give testimony at the hearing are an expert on WTO obligations, a representative from the Department of Justice, congressmen for and against online gambling, and others.

In related news, Rep. Conyers this week signed on to Rep. R. Wexler's Bill H.R. 2610 (The Skill Games Protection Act) as a co-sponsor. Wexler's bill would make an exception in the UIGEA for skill games such as poker.

Ironically, what makes the UIGEA so hard to enforce in the first place is the fact that there are so many exceptions already in the bill that allow horse race betting online, and fantasy sports gaming.

The banks are mandated to enforce these laws, but the banks say it is near impossible to determine what is illegal and what isn't.

The newly set hearing will look into issues like these.

November 10, 2007
Posted By Bob Hartman
Staff Editor,
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