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Old 11-12-2007, 08:40 PM
duvalinalong duvalinalong is offline
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Default Re: Chomsky on Ron Paul


2) Can you please tell me what role "private property" and "ownership" have in your school of "Libertarianism"?

That would have to be worked out by free communities, and of course it is impossible to respond to what I would prefer in abstraction from circumstances, which make a great deal of difference, obviously.

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this is the funniest part where chomsky essentially refutes himself.

otherwise i dont know how claims to be an anarchist with his coinciding views of governmental organization support for "his" ideas. He apparently likes them when they are coercively imposed. Chomsky = Lenin/Stalin

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Chomsky does not call himself and an anarchist. I don't where you people are pulling this from. In one of his interviews which was made into a book he described himself as "a mix of libertarian and socialism" He has always been very reluctant to put any political label on himself. What chomsky does in his writing is he simply digs after the truth and lays the facts out on the table. He is also a critic of pretty much every political figure. Don't get so defensive of your Ron Paul. Chomsky goes after everyone. Even my man JFK. Again, there are some things I like about Ron Paul. What I don't like about Ron Paul is his grassroots fan base that uses all too predictable republican name calling like calling him "chumpsky" If you want to seperate libertarianism form republicanism stop using the standard republican attack methods.

I have changed my mind recently.
I'm voting for Dennis Kucinch or however you spell his name
I really like this guy when i started reading about him.
Dennis Kucinch for president!!
Time for real change in Washington, vote Kucinch!
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