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Old 11-12-2007, 08:23 PM
PoorSkillz PoorSkillz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: America
Posts: 74
Default Re: My First, And Perhaps Only, Statement About Absolute

This isn't the Civil Rights Movement. We are talking about internet poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

We're not just talking about internet poker. We're talking about a business that stole a crapload of money from its customers and was allowed to go unpunished for it's crime. And if they can go unpunished, then ANY poker site can cheat their players again with little risk.

Of course it's not the civil rights movement, but it can still be a movement for our rights, our rights to play online poker in an honest environment (those rights are important too). This can only be done by making "those who could cheat you think it is in their best interests not to" and the only way we can do that is by not playing at AP.

Ofcourse you think this is impossible, but is it really? It certainly is an extremely hard task when people in powerful positions, such as yourself, deny that there is even a chance this can happen or that they even deserve it. Unfortunately, neither the mainstream media outlets or wellknown poker players have discussed this Absolute Poker Scandal in full (that ESPN article I'm waiting for that was supposed to come out 3 weeks ago comes to mind). Maybe if more people in powerful positions spoke out against the injustices committed by Absolute Poker, they would be ran out of business? I'd bet my money on that, but it's too bad because it doesn't seem like anyone is willing to step up.
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