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Old 11-12-2007, 07:15 PM
JackWhite JackWhite is offline
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Default Re: Lloyd Carr Retiring

I just read this at MGOBLOG, too. Let's hope it is true. I don't know if I could take another year of Carr/DeBord. Now the important question of the replacement. My preference would be any coach who not only didn't play or coach for Bo, but never even met the guy. I am one of the small minority of Michigan people who doesn't worship at the altar of Bo.

Whoever it is, I hope they totally clean house. First on that list: get rid of the piece of [censored] strength coach Mike Gittleson. I have been hearing from people in the know for years about Gittleson. Glad Brian at MGOBLOG mentioned him today in his list of gripes. Second on the list, deport Mike DeBord. Not only shouldn't he be retained at offensive coordinator, he shouldn't be allowed to live in the state.

Hopefully my dreams come true and we hire a coach who will call a post pass. The first time I see UM throw a pass in the middle of the field will be the happiest day of my life. What other teams take forgranted, is only a dream for a UM fan.
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