Thread: call of duty 4
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:41 PM
Corpsebean Corpsebean is offline
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Default Re: call of duty 4

Goofy - If I were you I'd honestly just get the PC version.

This type of game lends itself to campers and since people are inherently less skilled with an Xbox controller than a mouse and keyboard it makes camping a more viable option I'd imagine.

I honestly have not had any problems with camping at all, and I've probably put the most time in of anyone in this thread across all the different times of games and various servers, so that leads me to believe the camping is more of an Xbox thing.

That being said, if you're playing on a larger server UAV is on nearly constantly, and stun grenade then rushing in with a close quarters weapon or knife kill does the trick usually.

Furthermore if the server has Killcam on that really makes campers ineffective.
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