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Old 11-12-2007, 06:41 PM
xorbie xorbie is offline
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Default Re: Chomsky on Ron Paul

The 2+2 reactions to Chomsky's blog post are sad and funny. His objections to Paul's candidacy are not only cogent, but pretty much what you would expect him to say if you were familiar with his work. Here, however, his statements are met by insults and ad hominem attacks. I don't expect everyone to agree with Chomsky, but contrary to the claims here he is certainly not stupid, and he does have an idea of how the job market works.

Many of the libertarians and ACists on this forum come off as exhibiting extreme hubris and closed-mindedness. It's sad that it happens, but amusing in its predictability.

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The comments on the blog make it seem as though as soon as Paul takes presidency, the government will dissolve itself and corporations will rule the world.

In fact, corporations would likely gain more power under any other presidency, and Paul would be lucky to abolish the IRS, let alone half the other useless government agencies.

It's hyperbole. It's an attack on ACism disguised as an attack on Ron Paul, which uses very few actual facts about the situation the US is in, Paul's voting record or his platform. It's useless, it's inflammatory, and frankly it's contrary to everything Chomsky has ever written if he would actually support Clinton over Paul. End of story.
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