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Old 11-12-2007, 05:46 PM
tuq tuq is offline
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Default Re: Leggo Poker avatars

In between the LP example and Evan's example (First Tee Direct, it's burned into my mind! Nice job, Evan) is poster stevea. I see it's been a couple of weeks since he last posted, but I read Home Poker fairly regularly and a very high percentage of his posts link to his (apparently for profit) site. Including pimping new chips that he got in and linking to them, etc.

There does seem to be some useful stuff on his site like tournament blind structures, etc., but the point of a vast majority of his posts is to drive traffic there. But since Home Poker seems virtually modless it has gone unchecked and perhaps unnoticed. And maybe it doesn't bother anyone but me either, and maybe it isn't a thread to 2+2 revenue, but I find it a bit much.
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