Thread: 99 OOP 50 nl
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Old 11-12-2007, 03:01 PM
devin mac devin mac is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 32
Default Re: 99 OOP 50 nl

well, if you're gonna bet it, you're taking it to the felt. betting half the new pot leaves you with 12 bucks, and are you laying down 12 to a reraise?

after looking through some potential ranges in pokerstove i think we're flipping coins here. MAYBE you get a little fold equity with a shove on the turn. but you're essentially getting a little better than 2:1 on your remaining stack, and some of the best ranges i can realistically put this guy on give you like 38% equity at best...

i disagree with Star that there aren't plenty of hands you're ahead of, but there are a lot you're really behind to, as well. you can check/fold it down and pick a better spot , but i think i'd shove and take roughly a coinflip if you get called. hopefully he's the kind of villain that isn't gonna stack off on a flush draw and you take it down there. i just think i see a lot of broadway spades calling for the flush on that flop and (hopefully) yielding for the last 30 bucks i'm betting on the turn.

FWIW, this is the range i think makes the most sense, which gives you a 38% stake in this pot...

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