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Old 11-12-2007, 02:49 PM
OnTheRize OnTheRize is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 76
Default Re: 10k prop bet? Any Takers?

Ive got a ton of pm's, but no one taking it full.

Its 10k. Not 5k, Not 2k.

Also, im pretty sure the person who DOES take this, will have some resolve, and im -EV. Its a 1:1. Im not laying YOU Odds.

Nevada is the state.

And it will be filmed for Prop Bets Show. Rules, in detail...

No Physical Abuse.
Nothing Sexual.
Expect to take ALOT of Verbal abuse from many people. You will also have to do many Chores.
Time is from 6am - 6am. The entire time. No sleeping.
You will be allowed to eat/drink, almost at will.
You will be required to cook your own food, and ours.
Basically, were wanting you to quit. If you go "come on!" that's grounds for a loss. Or if you shake your head at something. Anything LESS then that, is fine. But more is a loss.

etc. Basically, go watch some Mr. Belvedere or Fresh Prince and thats what your gonna be.

It's going to be between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Things get hectic around here.