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Old 11-12-2007, 02:11 PM
golfnutt golfnutt is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 91
Default Re: Dating a poker pro- From the perspective of a non-playing girlfrie

It isn't even that they want them, Lots of people convent luxury items. Growing up in a middle income household I always wanted nicer things than what my family could afford. Had I gone off and achieved a $75k/year income I would have been happy. But once you go and start experiencing the lifestyle possible from a much larger income you can't go back to living off $75K and still be happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. Money doesn't buy happiness, but lack of money makes for incredible sadness. Especially when you have had it. Hard to start over at ground zero.

My friend has lost all concept of working for money. And he has gotten himself into a bigger hole every month with no end in sight. Plus, he has no desire to work 50 hours a week at an office job for what he deems to be little pay.

Gambling (which is what day-trading really is) has devoured his soul -- perhaps permanently.
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