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Old 11-12-2007, 12:56 PM
bustowithnobra bustowithnobra is offline
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Default Re: My College Essay...

i know your trying to be creative with your topic or whatever, but honestly this is not something they will see through and should be kept to yourself... plus its not all that unique. I will throw you a bone and say the last paragraph isn't bad though. But if it comes down to you and another equally qualified candidate, do you think they are going to take the one who plays poker? I mean, they dont even want you to have a job, and you come in as a guy that gambles all day. How many times can you explain to people that luck is not "as much" a factor in gambling as they think- for them not to understand at all... and those are your friends, imagine an admissions board filled with people to make judgments on who they want to let into their ACADEMIC insitution. Also... this sentance "Through multiple quarters I struggled, getting mainly Bs and Cs as a freshman, but come senior year I had made the Honor Roll." Did you make the honor roll only once? Was it only because you lowered the difficulty of your classes? That is unclear. If you want to somehow factor gambling into your essay- just say something like IM not afraid to take a risk, rather than to stay in the same spot, even if thats a gamble. Ultimately do what you believe you think will work, but stand back and judge just how creative a topic it is before you turn it in. Everyone has somehting that makes them stand out, do you want yours to be your a professional gambler?
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