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Old 11-12-2007, 11:08 AM
MassPoker MassPoker is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 37
Default Re: Does the PPA need 2+2?


I'm fairly new to this forum, so I won't even pretend to know all of the issues outlined here, but I do want to opine what I do know of TE and the PPA as well as my own personal views as to what I have seen here, but first, I want to chime in on what this thread represents and why I think it is ultimately counterproductive to all our goals.

I really think this bickering back and forth is sad. It doesn't (and won't) lead to anything positive coming from this. Who really cares who needs who more. This thread is reminiscent of childhood battles as to "whose uncle can beat up the other's uncle." Please, spare me the sanctimonious, holier than though, argument that this thread seeks to demonstrate a greater purpose than what which we all know it truly is, "an old fashioned pissing contest!" If some of you that post here would put a fraction of the effort into the salvation of poker than you put into trying to be right in these threads, it's possible that poker rights wouldn't be where they are today.

Getting credit means absolutely nothing to me personally. I work as a "volunteer" for the PPA and have put in COUNTLESS hours in support of MA right's to play poker...period! However, it was TE who brought the MA issue to my attention initially. TE doesn't live in MA and he has NO vested interest in the MA law being passed other than the obvious trickle down effect of the bill's passage. His commitment to the rights of all poker players is solid, and I, for one, appreciate that commitment.

Just as this forum is only as good as the quality of its readers/posters, so too, is the PPA in it's members/volunteers. 2+2 and their support faction admits that recently things have improved with the PPA. Things are getting done. (Can we all agree on at least this single point!) I've said this before and I'll say it again, as far as I am concerned, the PPA never really "existed" until John Pappas came on board. So, whatever happend prior to that means absolutely nothing to me...NOTHING! The work that is being done now at the PPA far exceeds what little
that was done previous to John's appointment. The PPA has recently demonstrated some aggressive PR, and in a very short amount of time, we have managed to get NATIONAL attention to our cause. People are starting to wake up! be fair about this, I'll give credit where credit is due; when it comes to forums, 2 + 2 is the ultimate poker forum out there...Ok, is that what you want to hear? BUT, it isn't the only poker forum out there...At the moment, there is no other "reputable" organization that is fighting for the right's of poker players except the PPA. If Mason wants 2+2 to remain "neutral", then so be it. That's better than fighting against us.

Look at what has become of this situation. Some fo you will blame PPA, some will blame 2+2...who cares?...Let's start acting like responsible adults and less like warring children. also, NO ONE is "entitled" to see the PPA books anymore than I have a right to see the 2+2's books. The PPA has complied with what is "legally" expected of them and that is just fine by me until such time that flagrant abuses surface, which to date they have NOT! The only thing I see here is a lot of misguided speculation and from what I have read based on personal issues rather than from any sense of real grievances.

There are those who just have to be right. No amount of talking will change their mind. And I'm willing to bet that if Mason were to change his mind right now...I mean at this exact second, the rest of the dissentor's would follow suit. It's truly sad that people cannot think for themselves. Anymore room on that coat tail, Mason?

All In,

Randy C~
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