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Old 11-12-2007, 03:02 AM
Nsight7 Nsight7 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 496
Default Re: Strategies for 24-tabling with a crappy 1280 x 1024 monitor? (Star

How could you possibly want to 24 table and not have the money to at least have a 1600x1200 monitor if not 2 or 3.

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The question is obviously someone being silly. I mean, if you're able to play 24 tables, and your screen isn't big enough...duhhhh.

IMHO, if you aren't making a profit and have to ask what do, play less tables. play bigger stakes if you are a winning player and buy a bigger monitor.

Why would someone want to play 24 tables? There is NO way to concentrate on that many tables. I read an excellent article that showed the loss/gain with 4 vs 8 vs 12 vs 16, which is as high as they felt was even sane. The dropoff from 8 to 12 was enormous, and 16 was even worse. Bottom line was 8 was the ideal count, for those able to multi-table that high even.

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Link to the article?

Truth be told I find it very VERY easy to concentrate at > 8 tables, up to about 12 tables. After that I kinda start losing my ability to focus. Of course I am rocky to TAGish so my decisions are quite a bit easier, but still, I can't imagine there would be a big loss on average moving from 8 to 12 tables.
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