Thread: ATT: blunty
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Old 11-12-2007, 02:51 AM
TheProdigy TheProdigy is offline
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Default Re: ATT: blunty

LOL i told you 50 times in chat I dont play HU, so tryin 2 get some attention? LOL prodigy my next birthday wish will be to some day run in2 u in person. You put in such an effort to attack some1 youve never met and dont know from joe on the internet, Id love to see if youd have the same craving to do it in person.

[/ QUOTE ]

What? I would think you are worthless still because of your effort to make yourself look like a dbag for a forum, IMO. I don't doubt you might be a decent human being but I am having my doubts. You seem like an over egotistical person with pathological lying problems, but, hey, I'm not a psychologists. Regardless I am going to give you a hard time because I think you can admit you are a huge dbag. You play poker, make a $1500 bet, and then renig on it? And you expect to not be shunned on by a gambling community? Christ you have a warped sense of reality I suppose.

P.S. Surprisingly I am not one for "fist fights." I quit those in 3rd grade, so if that was what you were hoping for you will be unhappy of any result of your attempt for that as I have 0 temper problems and you aren't going to get me fired up by any means.