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Old 11-12-2007, 02:36 AM
SossMan SossMan is offline
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Default Re: Mortgage Broker Disclosed Financial Info to Mutual Friend... My Play?

I'm not sure why you are totally discounting #2. It seems to be the proper course of action. I would at least do that and see how he reacts before reporting it to any licensing agency.
It's something that should be taken seriously, but it doesn't seem like it was done maliciously, so you should at least give him a chance to grovel a bit over it (maybe take a few hundred bucks off your fees for the trouble). Also, you should just let the friend know that you would prefer to keep your financial information private.

Doing anything more or less at this point seems a bit reactionary given the nature of the offense. It's not like he posted your W-2s on a public website or something (that you know of).

Of course, if he lies about it or brushes it off, then the next step should be filing a complaint (you may want to make sure escrow closes before filing, though).

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