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Old 11-11-2007, 11:58 PM
KittyKat KittyKat is offline
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Posts: 351
Default Re: Faceplanted Last Night and Broke Tooth

I fell and cracked one of my front teeth inside the gum when I was 9. Had a root canal, and kept that tooth until about a year ago, when it cracked and fell out during thanksgiving dinner.

Don't lose teeth during the holidays! My dentist didn't open until the following Tuesday, but I got in that day. I was lucky though... I had the piece that cracked out, they glued it in place and it held for a week until I could have a serious fake put in.

I had a procedure done... they called it a post. They put a tiny titanium bar inside my gum, and then attached the fake to it. It turned out well, people can't tell if I don't tell them. It's my right front tooth. This is a small picture, but I couldn't find a better one.
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