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Old 11-11-2007, 11:03 PM
LimpFoldPro LimpFoldPro is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Default Re: Help, am I grossly overplaying these hands? 3/6nl

Thanks for all the replies and sorry about the messy hands, and also thanks for the ipoker link.

I usually buy in for $400. I'm comfortable with that. I don't like short stacking it too much which cuts down on the profit I can make with my looser range of hands. I don't like a full buy in either since it changes my mentality a little. I don't know if its advised to go in with a middle of the pack buy-in, but it's just what I feel comfortable at.

I just never had this sort of thing happen before. Usually in all these situations I would be up againt lower pockets or TPTK, or even a draw. It just made me question a lot of issues.

I dont know why I checked the AA vs 33 hand, to be honest. It might have been because that was actually the last hand I played against cook and he very well could have just called me preflop with two overs or Ax, based on what he was calling me PF before with.

I wanted to let him hang himself on something. I wasn't thinking 8 or 33 for a second.

According to poker tracker my aggression rating is 1.9 with a VP$IP of 24. I'm tagged down as Semi-loose/aggressive I believe. So it's not like Im just sitting there and pushing on pockets. I just thought something had to be wrong when I am showing good gains in my suited connector hands and then these massive spew loses with premium hands. I would really like to know on what I could have done differently in any of these, other than what has already been pointed out.

I'd like to think I'm not giving them implied odds even when I make it obvious preflop I have a hand.

Bah, thanks again.
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