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Old 11-11-2007, 05:35 PM
Brimstead Brimstead is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 194
Default help! pokertracker and PStars player notes problems!!

Ok, since the latest update of PStars software my player notes have not been working properly.

Firstly, when i try import my notes after a session into PT it simply says "there are no notes to import." The notes.txt file is in the folder and i can view all the fresh notes at the bottom, so there are definitely notes to be imported.

Secondly, if i export my notes from pokertracker to pstars something strange happens and no notes whatsoever can be viewed when i open a table, altho the relevant text files are all in the right place.
The only way to get my notes back is to save the notes.txt file elsewhere, open pstars, make a note, close the software, open the original notes file, copy the text and paste it into the newly created notes file.

Has any1 experienced anything similar? any suggestions?

thanks in advance
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