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Old 11-11-2007, 12:41 PM
poker12 poker12 is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 318
Default Lifetime Movie Network - Best Channel Ever?

One day, I so happened upon a movie. I didnt know the channel, or what it initially was about. When it was over, it was amazing. To my ecitement another one was starting. Wow, can this be happening? Movies I have never seen/heard of before with really famous actors? Content that is so much better then the average hollywood movie? Now I watch movie after movie after movie. Every movie is new, and as exciting as the last.

This channel, everyone I urge you to watch at least one movie on here. The movies are seriously incredible. I had to tell someone how I feel, none of my friends believe me or will watch a movie on here.

So I ask...beat, brag, or variance???
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